Our ranges Made in France

A selection of raw frozen seafood selected with the utmost care and adapted for theeveryday individual.
To cook for any occasion, we include culinary inspiration from our chefs to help the consumer in the kitchen.
To maintain our responsible fishing practices, “La Table des Pêcheurs” offers a selection of MSC and ASC certified seafood varieties.

A collection of styles great for all of life’s moments.
Individual or shareable ready-made meals.
Choose from a variety of recipes: everyday recipes, ethnic-inspired, restaurant-style, and vegetarian dishes. Easy options ready-to-eat meals in few minutes.

Gourming is the specialized brand of frozen salted recipes for FOODSERVICE professionals, produced by the “Pôle Salé” factories (FRIAL and Cité Gourmande). The brand offers a premium range of frozen sauces and culinary aids, prepared side dishes and seafood products in sauces.

Recipes specially crafted for the restaurant and “food court”! Available in both French and international markets.
Simply seasoned vegetable and grain and designed to be personalize and to mix and match.
Convenients products and specially meant to be kept warm in Gastronorm dish.